About Us

Anthony's journey to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2012 was fueled by his profound love for food, which traces its roots back to his family's confectionery legacy spanning over 30 years. Previously engaged in corporate life focusing on supply chain management, Anthony's passion for travel led him to explore numerous countries. During his travels, he embarked on a quest to find a French mille (meaning "thousand") crepe cake comparable to the exquisite ones his family crafted back home. However, the pursuit yielded no results, inspiring him to spend his free time perfecting the classic cake using his cherished family recipe.

In 2016, armed with his determination and self-financing, Anthony established Anton SV Patisserie. Success rapidly followed, thanks to a glowing reputation built through word of mouth and social media, prompting him to bid farewell to his corporate job. Today, Anton SV Patisserie boasts a remarkable 4.5-star rating on Yelp, accompanied by over 1,200 enthusiastic reviews. The establishment's elevated desserts have garnered acclaim in the San Francisco Chronicle and Silicon Valley Magazine, cementing its status as a celebrated local gem.

Beyond his dedication to crafting delectable treats, Anthony is committed to giving back to the community. Each year, Anton SV Patisserie supports non-profit organizations like the San Francisco Symphony and BizWorld, aiming to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

With a heartfelt dedication to his craft and a profound sense of community, Anthony's culinary journey has not only delighted the palates of his patrons but also kindled a legacy of confectionery excellence that continues to flourish in the Bay Area and beyond.

“I couldn’t really find a good dessert to eat in the Bay Area. They are too sweet like eating sugar. At Anton SV Patisserie, we focus on balance and let the product speak for itself. My personal belief is that if you make something good, people will come and find you.” – Anthony

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